Suraj Maniyar

I am a Research Scientist at Aware Inc. working on Machine Learning and Computer Vision projects. I have a passion for solving data-driven problems and learning new technologies in this rapidly growing field. Specifically, I have played around with spatial and temporal data and have done projects on Activity Recognition from Video, Image Segmentation and Time Series Analysis. In my free time, I love tinkering some code or reading technology blogs.


North Carolina State University

Master of Science
Electrical Engineering

GPA: 3.66/4.0

August 2017 - May 2019

Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

Bachelor of Technology
Electronics Engineering

GPA: 7.72/10.0

June 2013 - May 2017


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Keras, Tensorflow, PyTorch
  • Python, C++, ROS, CUDA, OpenCV, MATLAB
  • Linux, Shell scripting

Work Experience

Research and Development Intern

Kitware Inc., Carrboro, North Carolina
Developing deep learning methods in conjunction with persistent homology for digital pathology image analysis. Improving methods for nuclei detection, image segmentation and whole slide classification of the images using multiple-instance learning of deep ConvNets.
February 2019 - May 2019


Design of a Robotic Computer Vision System for Autonomous Navigation

Implemented VINS-Mono and ORB SLAM2 algorithms, separately, for an Arial robot blimp for mapping a construction site. Used NVIDIA Jetson TX1 development board and monocular camera with an IMU for localizing and mapping the surrounding which used Point Cloud Library (PCL) and Robot Operating System (ROS). Co-ordinated with Hardware and Context Awareness teams to integrate their work to develop a fully functional working prototype. The reports can be found here.

Activity Recognition from Video (Benchmarking Hardware)

Implemented activity recognition from video using Convolutional Neural Nets and LSTMs. The project aimed at implementing the paper 'Long Recurrent Convolutional Network' for benchmarking a hardware accelerator. Used Transfer Learning on VGG-16 network and obtained an accuracy of 70% for 7 different activities on UCF-101 dataset.

A Comprehensive Approach to Stock Trading using Machine Learning

This project was aimed at recommending solutions to users investing in stock market by utilizing fundamental and technical analyses. The best companies to invest in was chosen using fundamental analysis and the user's portfolio was optimized to distribute the investment in different stocks to maximize returns and reduce risks. Technical analysis was implemented separately using Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning to suggest actions (buy, sell or hold) to the user to maximize his/her portfolio.

Respiratory Rate Estimation

This project was focused on estimating the respiratory rate of an individual using accelerometer data, heart rate and body temperature. 3 different models were implemented separately for estimation: Ridge Regression, Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Model.

Deep Visual Attention Prediction

In this project, I implemented a paper titled 'Deep Visual Attention Prediction' which focuses on predicting human-eye fixation on view-free scenes incorporating multi-saliency predictions. I was able to successfully port the original code in Caffe to Keras with 64% accuracy.

Foraminifera Image Segmentation

Used Markov Random Field basd approach called Graph-Cut to segment the chambers of a Foraminifera(marine species) from its edge probability map. Segmented the chambers and the aperture in the Foraminifera images to identify different types of species.

Single View Metrology

Obtained the 3D model of an object from its 2D image. Used vanishing points to obtain homography matrices and the projection matrix. Applied affine transformations to the image using the obtained matrices. Finally, the 3-sides of the object were cropped from the images and fed to a simple wrl file.

Task Learning Robot

Developed an approach to teach a task to a robotic arm which could be replicated as and when required. Interfaced industrial robotic arm Scorbot-ER VII with NI-myRio development board with a user-friendly LabVIEW interface. Got shortlisted in the top 20 teams for a National Level Contest, NIYANTRA, organized by National Instruments, India.